HEY! We're the flow codes. 👋
Recovering overachievers.
Part science, part spiritual.
& above all, advocates for balance.
We've all heard the stories: the entrepreneur who sacrifices their health for success, the workaholic who neglects their family, the spiritual seeker who loses touch with reality.
It seems like we're always being told to choose between work and well-being, productivity and presence. But we believe there's a better way.
We believe...
🍰 You CAN have your cake and eat it, too.
Success and happiness, ambition and well-being. We believe you can have BOTH. In fact, we believe you need both to create a truly fulfilling life.
🌊 Flow is the future of work and the world.
It's not just a productivity hack; study the science of flow and you'll know it's THE key to creating a more harmonious and efficient world. With it, we can create a future where work feels like play and everyone thrives.
✨ Self-work doesn't have to be so serious!
Forget the rigid rules and the stuffy self-improvement books. Sure, they have their place — but growth can also be FUN!
🪞 You already have the answers you seek.
Ethical coaching empowers, it doesn't instruct. We're here to guide you to your own innate wisdom and truths, not tell you what to believe or how to live.
Imagine a coach that...
...doesn't blame poverty and world hunger on your mindset.
Ever hear some of the "coaches" on Instagram and completely get the ick? Yeah… us, too. But we didn’t just change our bio to ‘coach’ on a random Tuesday! We’ve spent years studying psychology, coaching ethics and principles, and wellness techniques. We recognize that wellness is both an individual AND systemic journey — and we know that "manifesting" isn't the answer to every problem.
...nurtures both your long-term success and your daily wellbeing.
We're not just here to help you feel good in the short-term. We see your big picture, and love to help you turn those great ideas sitting in your notes app into reality — without feeling like you're constantly in 'the creation hole'. We're specifically trained in the science and psychology of flow, so we can help you optimize your performance, tap into your zone of genius, and achieve more in less time.
...is as multidimensional as you are.
Sometimes, you might benefit most from a structured, practical approach. Other times, the breakthrough you’re looking for might require getting out of your head and letting loose. Our approach is a bridge between worlds — both grounded in reality, and a dash of 'woo-woo' all at once. We’re equipped to guide you through both, when the moment calls for it.

Meet Justine:

Ready to find your balance?
Take our Flow Dosha Quiz to discover your unique energy type and our recommendations.