Say goodbye to burnout and stuffy self-improvement books. 👋🏻

We're here to make personal & professional growth FUN.

Let’s be real: the world and workplace have changed dramatically in the last couple decades. We’re facing higher expectations and new pressures in systems that are largely outdated — and it’s taking a toll. Just this year, a staggering 75% of the U.S. workforce experienced burnout.

Whether it's in our work, sports, home life, or creative pursuits, we are constantly bombarded with messages that we need to do and achieve MORE (“let’s hustle” or “rise and grind!”), and the self-help industry is riddled with strict routines to help us do so.

But do you know something?

🗣️ You DON’T have to choose between success and self-care.

we believe in

the power of balancing both:

working hard AND playing harder

reaching your goals AND enjoying the process

Improving performance AND enriching experience

TFC Logos

Flow is the epitome of this happy medium — the state of mind where humans reach peak performance AND peak experience at the same time. In short, flow makes work more effective and life more enjoyable. We know that may sound too good to be true, but the research agrees — being in flow produces real, transformative benefits:

Motivation & productivity
Creativity & Innovation
learning & memory
Meaning & Purpose

Our mission is to make flow trainable, so you can…

reach new heights without burning out

Flow trains the brain to optimize energy and focus, so you can excel without the exhaustion that accompanies traditional methods. Master the art of working efficiently and effectively, not just tirelessly.

experience new depths without “going off the deep end”

Explore the more profound, even mystical aspects of your inner world in a practical way. This is NOT guess work — we draw from neuroscience, psychology, and experiential mind-body practices to help you gain deeper self-awareness while remaining grounded.

high performance without hustle culture ⚡️ high performance without hustle culture ⚡️ high performance without hustle culture ⚡️ high performance without hustle culture ⚡️ high performance without hustle culture ⚡️ high performance without hustle culture ⚡️ high performance without hustle culture ⚡️ high performance without hustle culture ⚡️ high performance without hustle culture ⚡️ high performance without hustle culture ⚡️ high performance without hustle culture ⚡️ high performance without hustle culture ⚡️ high performance without hustle culture ⚡️ high performance without hustle culture ⚡️ high performance without hustle culture ⚡️ high performance without hustle culture ⚡️


Meet Justine:
Founder & Flow Coach

In 2017, after a lifetime of perfectionism and overachievement, I was sick. Sick of living for the weekends, sick of never having time for myself, and just sick in general — a result of being in constant chronic overdrive.

I thought, surely there must be more to life.

So, I made a list of things I loved doing or yearned to do but simply never had time to prioritize. Things like yoga, hula hooping, snowboarding, rock climbing. As I looked at the list, a thought struck me:

Why were the things that brought the most meaning and fulfillment to my life always the first to get cut from my schedule? 

Right then and there, I made a promise to myself to start spending more time doing the things I loved — and as I did, I realized there was something more to this list. Something underneath each of these activities that made me so drawn to them.

When I came across Mihaly Csziksentmihalyi's book Finding Flow, I realized flow was what I'd been seeking in all of these experiences.

More than that, I realized flow wasn't just limited to hobbies  — it was something I could train and leverage to perform better and feel more fulfilled in other areas of my life, too.

💡 This was a HUGE lightbulb moment for me.

I always hated that the world reinforced only two paths: EITHER be smart and work hard OR have fun and live in the present. As if we must constantly choose between achievement and happiness.

For me, flow offered the freedom to carve my own path and choose both.

Seeing how transformative it could be, I made it my mission to help others understand and experience the power of flow.

I studied with Csziksentmihalyi's disciples at The Flow Centre, became certified as a coach by the International Coaching Federation, and created The Flow Codes to make flow trainable and attainable.

Today, I'm here to help YOU carve your own path of achievement and fulfillment, too.


At The Flow Codes, we help you elevate your skills and enrich your experience
through flow state science and tailored coaching strategies.

Welcome to a new era of human performance.

Ready to flow?


Start at your own pace with self-guided courses that introduce the principles of flow and how to integrate them into your life.



Work toward personal flow mastery with personalized, 1:1 coaching, tailored to your unique goals and lifestyle.



Foster flow amongst groups, teams, or departments with interactive workshops, presentations, and leadership training.